Male Wyoming apprentice in hard hat and safety vest


Wyoming plays a critical role in supplying the nation’s power 

As a leading producer of energy resources, Wyoming’s ability to sustain and expand its energy industry is key—and maintaining that momentum requires a skilled, capable, and innovative workforce. 


Energy apprenticeships provide the specialized training and expertise necessary for apprentices to navigate the industry and build a career, ultimately contributing to Wyoming’s long-term energy security and economic growth.

occupations Registered Nationally

While these occupations aren’t currently available to Wyoming apprentices, you can visit the national apprenticeship site to learn more about them. (Let us know which ones you’d like us to add next!)

Engineer Working With Apprentices On Factory Floor



Big Horn Rural Electric Company – JATC
Black Hills Energy – Wyoming – Electrical Division

Bridger Valley REA
City of Cody – Electric Division
City of Torrington – Electric Department
Front Range Powerline Services
High Plains Power Corporation – Riverton
Lower Valley Energy, Inc.
Niobrara Electric Association, Inc.
Northeast Wyoming Construction Co.
Powder River Energy Corporation

Schulte TA, Inc.
Short Powerline Service

Takkion Management Co., LLC
Wheatland REA – JATC
Wyoming Association of Rural Water Systems

Wyoming employers:

We can help you build a registered apprenticeship program for your industry!

Interested in sponsoring a registered apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship program? Wyoming Apprenticeships—a program of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services (DWS)—can provide guidance, support, and even help finding grant funding to support your program and apprentices.